
Ravi Raj Adukambarai

Current Position
Current Place of Work
City, State 00000, COUNTRY
Contact No: +91 00000 00000


eContent Development Specialist position at XYZ Company. This job opportunity matches my background and experience in Learning Management Systems, eLearning, Digital Content, and Publishing.

Work Experience

XYZ Company, City, State, Country, 2/2013
Current Current Job Title
XYZ Company, City, State, Country, 2/2012-8/2012
Job Title
XYZ Company, City, State, Country, 9/2008-2/2012
Job Title


XYZ College, City, State, Country,1/2018-2/2018

Technical Writing Certificate Course.

XYZ College, City, State, Country, 2011-2013

Completed short-term courses in Adobe Dreamweaver, HTML/5, CSS, and other web related topics.

XYZ College, City, State, Country,10/2006-12/2006

IDCWC: Instructional Design and Content Writing Certificate (Online) Course.

XYZ College, City, State, Country,7/2000-11/2000

Advanced Web Development Course.

Computer/Software Skills


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